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Good Growth

A business system with a single purpose - restore nature. 


Designed from the landscape out. Inverting conventional supply chains. . 


An economic model that aligns incomes to environmental outcome.


Good for the planet, good for people. 


Value chains designed from nature out

Healthy environments are diverse and adaptive

Industrial activity is commodity focused and rigid

When human systems penetrate the landscape - nature suffers


Mongolian Rangelands are turning to desert as a result of far too many goats

The direct consequence of the unsustainable supply of cheap cashmere 


A business system to restore nature

Supply chains are extractive. If a single commodity supply chain penetrates a landscape, a monoculture is created and biodiversity and nature suffers.


It doesn't matter how eco-friendly a brand is, there is no such thing as "sustainable production", only "sustainable landscapes".


The human way of doing business - how we design supply chains, the rhythm of finance - is intrinsically destructive for nature.


We created Good Growth to design a new model from scratch - designed for and from nature.


A system to bring back to health our natural environment: rangelands, forests, waters that soak up carbon; wild animals and plants that make a rich biodiversity in each place; livestock and crops farmed in a way that restores and regenerates the natural environment - never putting it under depletive pressure.


No triple bottom line - the priority is environment, then human wellbeing within a healthy natural environment, all supported through a commercially sustainable model.


This is a "for planet" business.


We've come a long way

Still a long way to go

In our rangeland program in Mongolia we have a working demonstration of a regenerative model that can scale - incomes that reflect the diversity of nature, effective and robust landscape management, reducing intensity of livestock to restore nature. We have around 130,000 hectares under regenerative management with another 600,000 or so in preparation.


Soon we will extend the model to more rangelands (half the world's terrestrial area) and then to forest landscapes, building food value chains that enable indigenous communities to earn a living from multiple income streams that protect and restore forests. 


Our aim is a business restoration model that works in every landscape.



+44 7747 863960



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